2019 Renfrew and Arnprior Fair List

Theme: Fall Spooktacular
Halloween wreath– suitable to hang on door, max 18” in diameter
Child’s apron – sewed, SMA
Fresh flower arrangement – for dining table, max 12”x12” incl. container
Child’s character hat – crocheted, SMA
Tote bag – suitable for trick-or-treating, sewn, SMA
Halloween party invitation – hand made, not machine generated
Scarecrow – made from recycled materials, max 36” high
Beaded necklace – 18” in length
Halloween collage – 14” x 22” (half bristol board)
3 homemade candy apples in decorated container – display judged only
Short one page story about a favourite fall memory – Handwritten on unlined paper, mounted on Bristol board. Judged on content, cursive decoration (BN)
12 pot holders or hot pads, quilted either machine or hand done. Using fall theme and colours. SMA (BN)
A cake or 6 cupcakes decorated in the various colours of Canada’s Fall season. Judged on decor only (BN)
Apple sauce – spiced, 250 ml canning jar
Pumpkin loaf – one half, regular size, no nuts, no icing, covered on plate